It was great to see one of my photos printed huge in the Sunday Times on June 14th under the heading: Travel Photographer of the Month! Check it out: WILD TRAVEL Photographer June 14 2015.
The Sunday Times printed, “In April, Morgan Trimble of Cape Town was travelling through a Malawi tea estate when she took the first photograph that would score nearly full marks from a competition judge this year. “A magnificent frame that captures the beauty of man and nature ” … “portrays the worker in a dignified fashion. Wonderful” were some of the comments drawn by Trimble ’s winning photograph. The image profiles a picker catching his breath during the physically demanding job of harvesting tea in southern Malawi, about an hour’s drive southeast of the country’s second-largest city, Blantyre. The surrounding fields are some of the most vigorously exploited in this pioneering tea-growing nation. They also creep up to the edge of Mount Mulanje, which some would have you believe was the inspiration for Tolkien’s Lonely Mountain, the Middle Earth haunt of Smaug the Dragon. There’s little proof to support this, except for the way Mulanje rises sharply from the plains like a real-life Lonely Mountain. Expertly applying the rule of thirds, the misty sense of place and mystery of Mount Mulanje, Trimble ’s photo earns her R5 000 from the Sunday Times. Congratulations Morgan!”
Thanks, Sunday Times!
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